
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Colonial Days... A respite from work...

The last few weeks of school are so full of activities, even the parents don't seem to have a chance to breathe.  We have book fairs, bake sales, parties and sports festivals.  There is not much time for relaxing and taking in the wonders of Spring as our world awakens from its winter slumber.  In the midst of the end of the school year craziness, our town's 4th graders are taken back in time to Colonial New England.  Just yards from my son's school, the children are taught about herb gardens,


colonial games,

stenciling, hearth cooking and tin smithing.

Boys and girls make cornhusk dolls.  Retired teachers and volunteers create an atmosphere of simple, hands on learning.  And the kids could not be more cooperative and excited by the fun.

My son wanted an authentic vest, so "mom" obliged!

Even the parents dress up and join in the festivities.

The day ends with home made cookies donated by parents and friends.

Don't you wish that every day could be so perfect and fun for our children?  We had a wonderful time relaxing and just being together as we learned and played.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

All parents should cherish those moments as you do.

Diane Wright said...

Sam looks ADORABLE! I'm sure he wouldn't want to know that...what a wonderful day! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it with the fourth graders.

Karen said...

what a great time, Vivika... I love those kinda days....

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