Wednesday, I hung the birdfeeder back up in a protected corner of the house near my breakfast table. We had dismantled it last summer due to squirrels, and I held off filling it until this week's weather got really cold. After a day of no activity, the first titmouse arrived on Thursday morning. It happily pecked away at the safflower seeds with no competition. Within 24 hours, the nuthatches, chickadees and finches have also visited and eaten more than their share of seeds. Of course, our resident squirrel who my youngest son calls "Chico", has also made a visit to the feeder. The feeder is now back in business!
10 Readers Share Their Winter Outfits
10 hours ago
Vivika, Thanks for having a look at my quilts & leaving a message. I LOVE your birds. I prefer to work with stylized birds and such (really because I cannot draw or paint), so I really admire someone who can create a realistic bird in fabric.
It is a challenge to have my quilts displayed in my small town. It is a college town, and the vast majority of residents just hang a poster of their favorite movie in their apartment. There is now only one gallery & I have essentially been kicked out of there. Their unique hanging system only works with framed artwork & they are uninterested in any deviation in hanging art. I love the library idea. We have a beautiful new library downtown with a gallery in the lobby. I need to find out who to contact about hanging my work.
I am amazed at the amount of work you create while raising such a large family. Do you sleep?
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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