
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Prayer Flag Project Day 24: For Those Who Mend

Today's flag is for the people in our lives who "keep it all together" and keep us whole.

It is a prayer for the doctors and nurses who stitch our wounds, and for the therapist who heals our hearts.   It is for the mechanic who patches our tires, and for the friends whose stories intertwine with our own.  It is for the friends I've made - yet never met- on the internet, whose artistry is kept together with a thread...

This flag is one of my favorites.  It is made of a folded piece of stamped linen which was embroidered by someone in my husband's family.  The heart is cut from a piece of worn out jeans, and the words on the tag were snipped from a German phrasebook.  Their translation reads, "Will you send this to the tailor".


The Quilted LIbrarian said...

Dear Vivika,
I've really been enjoying your Prayer Flag projects and thought I would share some of mine. Our son is a Buddhist minister, so prayer flags have been in our home for many years. I did a quilt project many years ago and then made prayer flags for our daughter's wedding. Here's the link showing both.
All the best,
Dana Fisher

PATRICIA said...

Hello Vivika. I join my flags to yours and pray for all intentions. A kiss from Mar del Plata, Argentina.

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